Here you can find a detailed list of activities planned for the project within the next two months. Moreover you can find the complete planning, showing milestones and expected deliverables. |
April 97
Elis puts up an application (under the EU LEONARDO program) to ask the European Union to co-fund the activities of this pilot project and extend them over three years. A definite answer is expected by October 97. If the application is rejected its possible to put up new applications under such headings as: TIDE - DGXIII, ESF - DGV).
Amig Cead has alredy been granted a European Fund under Horizon (II IC/142/H project). Cnuce - CNR has put up a similar application under the EU program ADAPT.
July 97
Singling out disabled who are possible candidates for the projects
Install tele-work facilities (HW + SW). We look forward at the possibility of making people work in suitable service centre, opened to disabled and non disabled, for work, training and recreation. PCs are shipped to each member of the project and then delivered to disabled. Elis and Amig decide to put up a serivce centre. HP and CNUCE decide to give the PCs directly to the disabled.
September - December 97
Internet provision to all disabled taking part at the project and initial training: in Rome students from colleges willing to volunteer will take care of training.
Meeting in Rome comprizing project leaders and disabled. Representatives from the Netherlands are supposed to come.
Evaluation of the opportunity to activate four other countries so that another four national networks will be operating in Europe along with those activated in Italy and Holland. Submission of a new grant request to HP
Survey and ranking of 15 possible activities that can be
carried out at a distance via the Internet by physically disabled
people. In particular we shall investigate activities and
services to be offered in the marketplace such as:
* set up and run corporate web sites
* market and sell activities through Internet
* technical writing
* technical translations
* production of learning materials
* distance tutoring
January - March 98
Database of possible mentors (possible entrepreneurs willing to help disabled people)
Set up of an Internet server to support tele-work of the virtual community
Start up activity of the virtual community with some captive activity
Market research of possible customers of the virtual community
Competence needs analysis and curricula development to carry out the activities highlighted in the survey and matching market research
April - June 98
Spreading the model: four new countries start working at the project
Set up of a European Social Enterpise of physically disabled people equipped of necessary Internet facilities working at both national and European level.
July - November 98
Making people work. Keep on training of disabled
Dissemination activity, conference
III year
In the third year we expect to repeat this schema activating two other countries each summing up to18 national subnetworks
Send a message to
for any questions or suggestions.
Updated 29/04/09.