Mobile Wireless Education in a Catering School
Investigating the best use of mobile
wireless devices in a catering school for enhancing teaching
on the field (in the kitchen and in the rooms) out of the
classroom. The same result can be applied in the working
environment for accessing "on the job" instructions.
Funded by
HP and
Siemens Mobile
communication at SAFI before Mowecs
goals and methodology,
milestones, development,
data exchange and interface design
Project outcomes:
feedback, unexpected results,
evaluation and conclusions
Wireless network enabled mobile devices offer interesting
application in working environments, particularly in
catering domains, where rapidity of communication and
interaction is a key element. In this sector the promise of
mobile devices lies not in their capacity to duplicate the
capabilities of desktop machines, but rather in the
possibility of enabling location-specific tasks. This
feature presents a new situated context for PDA applications
and provides new design and usability evaluation challenges.
One of them is how intuitive interface for mobile devices
can be designed that enable access to location-specific
services usable across locations.
A catering school normally runs a good part of its teaching
in a training environment. It is difficult to access textual
or multimedia resources while in a kitchen or in a ironing
room or in a bedroom. Books can be too heavy to carry,
whiteboards cannot be placed where they are more needed,
digital projectors and screens are almost impossible to
integrate in a kitchen and cannot be carried along all the
bedrooms. Therefore the introduction of wireless mobile
devices helps in providing the necessary information in any
SAFI is a professional school attended by girls who are
living in a college for the entire period of their study.
The students are 14 to 19 years old and come mostly from
small towns in the South of Italy, where they have few
possibilities of accessing higher education. The school
started its activity in 1964 and in 2001 was recognized by
the Italian Ministry of Education. The 40 residential
students have the opportunity to study and work in a real
environment: they train themselves, together with
professionals, caring for food, laundry and cleaning of a
hall of Residence for students of the ELIS Vocational
Training School.
SAFI importance can be measured by a Google search on the
words Istituto Professionale Alberghiero, where it ranks
first (search performed on April 4, 2005).
The presence of ELIS School in the same building enhances
the project in the technology issues: the know-how of ELIS
allows for a high quality implementation and management of
the hardware and software involved.
at SAFI before MOWECS
Our point of view was ethnographic more than technological.
Starting from studies on collaboration and communication (Plowman
et al., 1995) and from the researches on Communities and
technologies presented in the last edition of this Workshop
(Communities and Technologies 2003), we analyzed all the
existing structures of communication in the school: the
interaction between students and their tutors, the
organization in the different areas, the different ways of
communicating inside and among them, the contents of
messages. In the project were involved students of the
first, second and third year, their teachers and tutors.
We monitored both the communication ‘on the job’ (in the
kitchen, in the office and in the wardrobe) and ‘in the
classroom’, trying to change the traditional way of teaching
subjects like Italian literature, English and French
For the ‘on the job’ training we observed that within each
area communication is mainly oral. Furthermore, in some
areas, like kitchen and office, all the tasks assigned to
the students are displayed on a blackboard.
The exchange of messages among the different areas is
performed mainly by telephone. Urgent communications can be
sent by a ‘suite’, a student or a tutor, that is like a
‘jolly’, i.e. she has no fixed tasks, but can carry things
from one area to another one. The contents of communication
can be fixed (receipts, office instructions) and variable
(menu, number of presents, diets, things to buy).

Goals and Methodology
Our investigation areas were four: education, mobility,
communication and user-interface. Our attention focused
mainly on: ubiquitous computing and access to necessary
information in any place; use of handheld devices in
complex environments like hotels, residences or tourist
resorts; use of mobile wireless devices in catering
schools, as in all the activities which need a training
‘on the field’; adaptation or creation of teaching
materials to be displayed on pocket or tablet PCs.
The first activity was the installation of the access
points in all laboratories and places where the students
are supposed to use the mobile devices. Test for
interferences were accomplished where needed: for
example in the laundry, where there are strong power
machines. For software development we used rapid
prototyping in order to achieve valuable results in a
short time. We used various languages (HTML; ASP, Jsp)
and different kind of resources (web pages, excel files,
video and audio recordings, forms to insert or retrieve
information from database etc.). We tested both on-line
and off-line applications, with an adaptive interface
for different kind of devices. For the project we were
given 2 Compaq notebooks with wireless LAN card, 2
Compaq tablet PC, 10 Pocket-PC LOOX 700 Fujitsu Siemens;
5 Pocket-PC IPAQ h4155 HP; 5 Pocket-PC IPAQ h5500 HP.
· October 2004: Teaching how to use iPAQ and Tablet
· November 2004: Installation of the wireless
access points
· December 2004: Preparation of teaching material
including videos
· January 2004: Tests on delivering teaching
content through iPAQ and Tablet PC
· February 2005: Start of routine activity in
teaching with iPAQ and Tablet PC
· March 2005: First report
· March-July 2005: Revision of the methodology and
new routine activities
· October 2005: Final report
Wireless technology has been used to ensure fast
localization (by voice, with VoIP on the WLAN, or by
instant messaging) and immediate access to useful
information on the job.
Texts, reports and scanned pictures were prepared for
the specific teaching on small displays and medium. Some
of the lessons in the classroom or in the working
environment were video recorded. Thus the students were
able to review what they learned using the iPAQ at any
time and in any place. Students were able to get
everywhere multimedia resources like receipts with
photos and check-list of instructions; video
instructions for the oven, for the vegetables and meat
cut; images of mise-en-place for different numbers of
guests; forms to calculate the cost of a meal and the
total expense of a day; forms to collect the number of
guests in the different areas, to plan the menu of the
day, to modify it for diet needs, to record new
receipts, to check the things to buy and to assign tasks
to the students. Besides the teaching material prepared
on purpose students could also access resources on the
web. A simple search system, derived from the one
developed by Mediateca-ELIS was used, in order to
retrieve the proper information in a short time.
The enthusiasm spread itself so much that we were asked
to extend the use of pocket PC also to mobile learning.
The teachers of Italian literature, French and English
grammar changed their way of doing lesson and used
pocket pc. The teaching became more interactive: instead
of books, students used handheld devices where they
could read, hear the exact pronounciation of words,
listen to music, see pictures of famous paintings, watch
videos, search for specific subjects.
Fig.2 MOWECS Index |
Fig.3 Italian literature section |
Exchange and Interface Design
First of all we evaluated various models of commercial
software for restaurants. None of them fitted the needs
of our school. Then we created a prototype using
HandBase, a mobile relational database application, that
has also desktop components to convert data from another
format into HandBase. Specifically the component ‘Data
Exchange’ is a conversion tool that works between
HandBase and MS-Access or any ODBC enabled database. We
used relationship to perform one-to-one, one-to-many and
many-to-many type joins between different database in
HandBase format. We then
mapped their tables with those of a MS-Access database,
so that when users synchronized the data they had
collected, the server MS-Access database was upgraded.
HandBase allowed us to build completely customized data
entry interfaces, adaptable to different kind of
devices: it automatically resizes depending on the
dimensions of browser in which it is displayed. Users
were involved in interface development, so that the
design cycle was iterative and evolutionary: after rapid
prototyping, the interface changed various times taking
into account users’ needs and preferences. This was the
case, for ex., of the form destined to data entries
concerning the number of guests for each meal and the
one to plan the menu. Users preferred essential
structures to colourful and complex one; furthermore
they didn’t want the contents to be spread in different
pages and wanted to have on one page most options. In
the end both the guests’ and the menus’ forms were
converted into one form in two sections, with essential
elements and pop-up with predefined options.

We analyzed the feedback of students, teachers and tutors
using the categories created by Everett Rogers (1995), a
theorist who spent over 30 years studying the diffusion of
innovations of all kinds, from qwerty keyboards to new
agricultural methods in developing countries. According to
Rogers, the
characteristics of an innovation, as perceived by the
members of a social system, determine its rate of adoption.
Five attributes of innovations are: relative advantage,
trialability and observability.
We prepared a paper questionaire, which was distributed to
all the users. The results were different depending on the
role of the user: 90% of the students appreciated most the
usability of handheld devices; more than 50% of the tutors
stressed the compatibility with their tasks; 50% of the
teachers observed a relative advantage in teaching with
handheld devices, represented by multimedia resources
availability, which makes lessons more pleasant.
Users’ feedback was monitored also with other techniques
indicated by theorists of interaction design (Preece
et al. 2004):
a) interviews where they were free to express any opinion
about the news system;
b) indicators concerning the activities performed, like the
time needed to accomplish a task, the accuracy degree, the
possibility to prevent mistakes, the improvements in
training and learning;
c) indicators concerning the difficulties in using the
device (if users spent more than 10 minutes in learning how
to perform a new function, the interface was changed).
Among the advantages pointed out during interviews, some
were particularly remarkable. Using handheld devices “you
can communicate more rapidly”, “learning is more pleasant”,
“everything is under control”, “you can get useful
information where you need”, “you can retrieve information
faster”, “you can get images of what you have done”. Among
the disadvantages, one tutor remarked that “communicating
via pocket PC the tasks to the students”, she lacked
“personal control over them and sometimes could be
misunderstood”; some teachers were worried about the time
the students could waste playing with the new devices; some
others observed that “those who were not able to use it
could get isolated”.
We succeeded in overcoming this difficulty in the following
way: after an initial phase of general training, more
advanced users helped those who were not so rapid in
learning and this generated a new process of communication.
The fact that more expert students became the teachers of
those less skilled had also an enormous importance for the
growth of their sense of responsibility.
Unexpected results
Communication across generation
Mobile technology was used not only for officials tasks,
such as on the job training and mobile learning; pocket PCs
proved even more useful for new creative tasks, for which
the device does not substitute some other medium (paper,
desktop PC etc.), but enables users to have together more
resources. The students of the second year were able to
perform a research on traditional way of cooking and
receipts in their Region, Lazio. Equipped with Pocket PCs
they were able to take, at the same time, written notes,
photos and audio recording. They asked their grandmothers
for receipts and for information on rites, anecdotes and
everything concerning food in the past. They went into
traditional restaurants and interviewed the oldest people in
the kitchen, taking pictures of preparation, tools and of
the environment. They visited antiques’ markets to identify
the objects used in traditional popular cooking. They also
studied all the religious and familiar feasts in which food
played an important role, and recorded on pocket PC the
music played in those circumstances.
Creative activities
The availability of a digital camera attached to an iPAQ
gives the chance of taking pictures of the peculiar
situation in which a student is involved for further study
or, for example, allows taking a photo of a special food
preparation to compare it with the required one.
Students of the first year used handheld devices to create
vegetal sculptures from pictures scanned from books or found
in internet. They looked at the models and the instructions
on the mobile device and carved fruits and vegetables in
creative shapes, such as flowers, animals etc. Then they
photographed their own creatures and sent them to the
Figg.5 Vegetables sculptures |
Evaluation and
We monitored the change in communication structures during
the phases of users’ training to the new technologies and of
development of mobile contents. We must conclude that Pocket
PC-mediated communication can’t substitute personal
interaction and control, but can ease the relationships
helping people to keeping in touch constantly. Furthermore,
by using mobile devices, students became aware of their
utility in complex environments like hotels, residences or
tourist resorts and they will be able to suggest their
future employers the use of wireless technology to ensure
fast localization, rapid communication and more efficient
Comparing our experience with analogous ones (Cacace et al.
2004, Bernaschi et al. 2004), we can conclude that a key
element for the success of an innovation process is to focus
on users and on the interaction among them. The person is
central, not the technology: the pc adapts to people, it
helps them pay attention to the tasks they have to
accomplish and to the people to whom their work is directed.

Bernaschi, M.,
Cacace, F., Cinque, M., Crudele, M., Iannello, G., Venditti
(2004), M., Interface design and mobility in ubiquitous
access to HIS, Proceedings of Medicon 2004,
Ischia - Italy, July 31-August 5, 2004;
Cacace, F.,
Cinque, Maria, Crudele, M., Iannello, G., Venditti, M.
(2004), The impact of innovation in medical and nursing
training: a Hospital Information System for Students
accessible through mobile devices, Bracciano,
Proceedings of MLEARN 2004, Bracciano - Italy, 5-6 July,
and Technologies: Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Communities and Technologies; C&T 2003,
ed. by M. Huysman, E. Wenger, V. Wulf, Dordrecht, Kluwer,
Cooper, A. (1999), Il
disagio tecnologico, Milano, Apogeo;
Everett, R. (1995)
Diffusion of Innovations, New York, Free Press;
Preece, J.,
Rogers, Y.M., Sharp, H. (2004), Interaction Design,
Milano, Apogeo.

The proposed project
Riflettori su: |
persona al centro della tecnologia informatica. La CMC (Computer-Mediated
Communication) come strumento di interazione e
organizzazione del lavoro, apprendimento e divertimento
in un istituto alberghiero".
Abstract ricerca
Descrizione ricerca
Presentazione ricerca |
Lavoro presentato dalle
studentesse SAFI del III anno al Convegno Incontro
Romano (Roma, 20-27 marzo 2005) e vincitore del primo
"La cucina
come memoria affettiva e comunicazione
intergenerazionale. Salvare i sapori del passato con le
nuove tecnologie".
Descrizione ricerca
Presentazione ricerca
Sito web realizzato |
Lavoro presentato dalle
studentesse SAFI del II anno al Convegno OIKIA 2005 (Castelgandolfo
17-20 febbraio 2005).
"Comunicare CreativaMente in Cucina".
Presentazione ricerca
Lavoro presentato dalle
studentesse SAFI del I anno al Convengo OIKIA 2005 (Castelgandolfo
17-20 febbraio 2005).